Jen BuhrowClick here to see Jen’s resume on Actor’s Access.

Jen Buhrow is a Chicago-based Actress and Spokesmodel with a silly side. To leave it there would truly be silly. Over the course of her career, this quirky blonde has done it all.

Jen has appeared in commercials and corporate/industrial videos for countless brands big and small.

She has a long list of theatre credits and has performed in well-know plays and musicals such as “The Christmas Scooner,” “Hello Dolly” and “Grease” among others.

On the big screen, some of her notable recent film work include: “The Night Before The Morning After,” “Perhaps” and the award winning horror flick “Plastic.”

When she’s not on stage or in front of the camera, Jen is in demand as a host, presenter and MC for trade shows and promotions as well as corporate and live events. She’s also done voiceover work and is a pro with an ear or teleprompter.

To top it all off, Jen’s a trained improviser, clown and mime. She’s studied physical comedy and even traveled all the way to Italy to hone her craft with the renowned Paola Coletto.

In her free time, Jen loves to travel, climb stairs, find new adventures and, of course, juice vegetables.

To learn about her new adventures and see more of her silly side, you can follow her on Twitter @jenbuhrow. If you’d like to work with Jen, you can contact her about a potential project at

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